How to Get From AI text Writer the Most Accurate Results Possible

To get the best possible results, you need to provide the best information or more data and context. In other words, "garbage in - garbage out." In this article, I will explain how to achieve optimal results using

The biggest mistake is thinking that artificial intelligence (AI) is like Google, where you can ask anything and receive a comprehensive article with accurate facts and information.

AI is not Google! AI is more like an assistant that skillfully packages the words you provide into coherent sentences. That's why it's crucial to know how to ask the right questions!

Examples how to write perfect input for perfect AI results

1. I simply typed "Vinci Smart Headphones" and got a broad but "too generic" introduction. This could be the introduction to any headphone review.

To add a few facts to the introduction, I put them in the title.

2. "Vinci Smart Headphones with artificial intelligence with 26 hours of music playback via Bluetooth". Here I told that my headphones are capable of 26 hours of music playback via Bluetooth. Which is what the AI included in the introduction.

3. For example, your headphones have Bluetooth 5.0, but says Bluetooth 4.2. To tell that these headphones have 5.0 instead of 4.2, you need to include this information in the header. As a result, my input is "Vinci Smart Headphones with artificial intelligence with 26 hours of music playback via Bluetooth 5.0 technology," and the AI gave me the text with Bluetooth 5.0.

The more detailed and accurate the information in the introduction, the more accurate the information you will get from

More Examples to get better results

Example #1

"5 headsets to check out", this is likely to be a comprehensive introduction, as the headset can be anything and for anything, and the AI could likely add a year (which would be 2019 and so on).

To get the exact year, just add it to the title: "5 headsets to check out in 2022". The output is: "Headphones are an important accessory whether you like listening to music, watching movies, or playing games. In 2019, there's no shortage of great products to choose from, but in 2022, we will see even more innovation as companies continue to introduce new technologies. Here are some headsets to check out in 2022."

And it's best to point out the niche for which the headset is designed, for example: "5 headsets for computer games to check out in 2022."

And the final TextBuilder output is: "Game enthusiasts are always looking for ways to improve their gaming experience. However, finding the right headset for your system can be frustrating. With many different brands on the market, each claiming to be the best option for gamers, making the right choice cannot be easy. This blog post will explore five headsets for computer games to check out in 2022."

Example #2

"5 headsets to check out", this is likely to be a comprehensive introduction, as the headset can be anything and for anything, and the AI could likely add a year (which would be 2019 and so on).

To get the exact year, just add it to the title: "5 headsets to check out in 2022". The output is: "Headphones are an important accessory whether you like listening to music, watching movies, or playing games. In 2019, there's no shortage of great products to choose from, but in 2022, we will see even more innovation as companies continue to introduce new technologies. Here are some headsets to check out in 2022."

And it's best to point out the niche for which the headset is designed, for example: "5 headsets for computer games to check out in 2022."

And the final output is: "Game enthusiasts are always looking for ways to improve their gaming experience. However, finding the right headset for your system can be frustrating. With many different brands on the market, each claiming to be the best option for gamers, making the right choice cannot be easy. This blog post will explore 5 headsets for computer games to check out in 2022."


Therefore, to get the best possible result, it is necessary to describe the details and information you want from the AI in as much detail as possible.

Zigmars Berzins

Zigmars Berzins Author

Founder of – a company that develops AI writers, helps people write texts, and earns money from writing. Zigmars has a Master’s degree in computer science and has been working in the software development industry for over 30 years. He is passionate about AI and its potential to change the world and believes that can make a significant contribution to the field of writing. Assistant

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